I’ve been absent.

I’ve been absent for awhile. I started another 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. I started that on January 1st and have been focusing on that. You can check out my art blog to see all the paintings so far. My theme is floral and I love doing them. I’m working in acrylics. I started the challenge out with little canvas’s then switched to 140 lb watercolor paper when I ran out. The watercolor paper works better than I thought it would, so I decided to stick with it for the rest of the challenge. Once the challenge is over I’ll be posting them for sale on my Etsy shop. This is going to be the year of art for sure! I’ll be really working on getting my shop going good and putting work out there. I’ll be doing postcards, little painted canvas magnets, big pieces, etc. I’m going to be putting out a lot of work! Selling originals and prints.

Other non art related stuff that’s going on. I’ve been thrifting several times since my last post. I’ve gotten several neat things I need to post about and I will eventually. I’ve gotten a few new plants also. Two were Christmas presents and one was a birthday present. My birthday was January 2nd and I hit the big 3-0! Not as horrible as I thought it would be. I just don’t know where the years have gone and I don’t feel as accomplished as I thought I would be by now. That’s OK thought because it happens and you can’t change that. I’m just working on the present to make the future awesome! I might be a home owner soon also which would be amazing! I’m hoping everything falls together so I can get the house. I’m sure there’s some other stuff I could talk about, but I’m drawing a blank right now.

Here’s a link to my art shop and art blog. The art shop doesn’t have anything posted in it right now. I just switched back over to doing Etsy from another site, so I’m waiting for the challenge to be over. I won’t be doing daily paintings and can focus on it better.

Art shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/artistjasonhowell

Art blog:  http://thebassettstudios.wordpress.com

Much love!!!
