Knock, knock….Who’s there?

Let me tell you a little bit of why I bought this amazing door knocker. I’m moving back to Arkansas at the end of July. I plan to build myself a little cottage/cabin. I will be using as much reclaimed and recycled materials as possible. I want to as gentle to nature as I can. I’m going to grow and raise as much of my own food as possible. I’ve been collection interesting pieces like this for awhile to use in my future home. I’ve been eyeing  this knocker for awhile now. I’ve been so in love with her. She just speaks to me and is so welcoming. What better way to welcome people to my home.



I can’t wait to share the growth of my future home. I hope you will join me on my home  journey. I will for sure post updates about my Cottage/Cabin build. Any tips are absolutely welcome.

Much love!!!


Washing basin to serving dish.

Hello dears! I found this washing basin at the Thrift store I visit several times a week. It would of originally had a matching pitcher that went with it. They were used to wash up, shave, etc when they didn’t have running water. They usually have a floral pattern on them. I like that this one was a solid color with a simple pattern around the rim. I only paid $5 for it which I think is a deal for how big it is. I plan to use it as a serving dish for salads or pasta. I think a bunch of pasta with pesto sauce would look amazing in it. Maybe some spaghetti and meatballs. I think some people get caught up in something having a certain purpose. Just because something was made to be used for a certain thing doesn’t mean you have to use it for that. Think about stuff you see and what it could be used for besides what it was meant for. It’s a great way to express yourself.

Upper shot of basin. I love the simple pattern going around the rim!

Upper shot of basin. I love the simple pattern going around the rim!

This is going to be a great serving dish!

This is going to be a great serving dish!

These two serving utensils were actually sitting in the basin when I bought it. They were only $1 for the pair, so I got them too. I almost didn’t. I then noticed they had a tribal look to them. I love tribal stuff. I think they actually look amazing with the basin. Here’s a picture of them together!



I actually have a pitcher that would of went with one of these basins. It’s Pink and has a floral pattern on it. I use it for a vase though. It looks wonderful filled with tulips. I love using vintage/antique pitchers as vases.

Much love!!!


Vintage saucers as coasters!

Hello dears!

Like most people I don’t like leaving water rings on my tables from glasses and cups. I purchase random vintage saucers from yard sales, thrift stores, and flea markets. Ones that don’t have the rest of the set are usually reasonably cheap. I’ve paid 20 cents for some of them. I crochet little doilies to place in the center of them. I do this because you can get a suction from the bottom of a glass to the saucer. I’ve broken a saucer this way. It was only 20 cents so not a huge loss, but it was a super cute saucer. My favorite saucers are these two green ones I purchased recently. They have a South West shape to them. Of course you could try and find a matching set of 6 or so if that’s more you style. I like mismatched stuff myself. My friend calls my style “worldly”. I’m not into sets of stuff. Here’s my “coasters” that I use in different parts of my apartment. These are just some of the ones I have. Let me know what you think.

They are kind of washed out. The sun was coming through the window pretty good when I took these. The green one is darker than it appears in this picture

They are kind of washed out. The sun was coming through the window pretty good when I took these. The green one is darker than it appears in this picture

I had two of these, but it was lost to not have a doily on it and suction happened. It went crashing to the floor. I'll just use it in a stepping stone!

I had two of these, but it was lost to not have a doily on it and suction happened. It went crashing to the floor. I’ll just use it in a stepping stone!

These go to a set of dishes I have, but I don't really use saucers to eat off of, so they are used as coasters. I love the pattern on these!!

These go to a set of dishes I have, but I don’t really use saucers to eat off of, so they are used as coasters. I love the pattern on these!!

This is the true color of the green one. This is it with the doily on it. I think it's cute!

This is the true color of the green one. This is it with the doily on it. I think it’s cute!

A shot from above.

A shot from above.

This is just a simple second blog post, but I think it’s a great way to express yourself! The doily in the picture has some tea stains on it I’m just now noticing. Easy fix, just toss in the wash!! If anyone want the doily pattern just let me know and I’ll make a post about it!

Much love!!!
